Paula Muñoz Cano Abstract This blogpost provides some reflections on the relationship between EU and the traditional understanding of sovereignty,… By Cinzia Dimonte ABSTRACT This blogpost examines the main challenges faced by LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers and calls for a fair… Mariana Cavalheiro Galvão Abstract The use of migration for political purposes has raised concerns within the European Union. This blog… Luana Cardoso and Matilde Felgueiras Abstract The Temporary Protection Directive was activated only once, in 2022, due to the Russo-Ukrainian… Maria Marques, Susana Brazão and Vittoria Moccia Abstract This blogpost explores the issue of climate-induced displacement and the limits of legal protection, critically… Carolina Moniz Pinto and Fernanda Leal [1] Abstract The term “vulnerability” has become increasingly important in academic literature, law and… Otávio de Figueiredo Raupp[1] Resumo O presente artigo pretende proceder a uma breve análise crítica das condições gerais dos centros… As societies evolve, so do the means by which daily activities are carried out. When it comes to immigration diligence,… This blogpost aims to analyse the importance of solidarity in European Union Law through the lens of migration policy. It… As fronteiras externas da União Europeia já não são mais apenas as fronteiras geográficas que conhecemos. Elas se transformaram em…EU Migration and Asylum Law: Challenging or Reinforcing the Traditional Conception of Sovereignty?
Too Queer or Not Queer Enough? LGBTIQ+ Asylum Seekers in the European Context
Instrumentalisation of International Migration to the EU: A Critique of Securitised Approaches
The Temporary Protection Directive in the Context of the 2015/2016 and the 2022/2023 ‘Crises’: Geopolitics, Race or Both?
Climate-Induced Displacement: Some Reflections on Contemporary Debates
Vulnerability: An Emerging Norm in Migration and Asylum Law?
Proibição da Tortura e Tratamentos Degradantes e os Centros de Instalação Temporária em Portugal
Facial Recognition and Immigration Policies: Secure Technology or Misleading Tools?
The Principle of Solidarity in EU Law: Some Considerations Regarding Migration Policy and Civil Society
A interoperabilidade dos sistemas de informação da UE e os direitos fundamentais dos nacionais de países terceiros