By Rita Neves Rodrigues Edited by Veronica Corcodel and Tatiana Morais Abstract This blog post examines the implementation of the… By Sofia Matias Editors: Veronica Corcodel, Dimitra Fragkou Abstract: This blog post analyses the 2024 Schengen Borders Code reform, specifically… By Lúcia Pestana Editors: Veronica Corcodel, Tatiana Morais Abstract This blogpost focuses on health and healthcare inequalities affecting migrant women… By António Gonçalves Editors: Veronica Corcodel, Dimitra Fragkou Abstract This blogpost analyses the General Court’s decision in Hamoudi v. Frontex,… By Miguel Filipe Guerreiro Editor Veronica Corcodel Abstract This blogpost proposes a climate migration multitrack approach that considers what has… By Susana Brazão Editors: Veronica Corcodel, Dimitra Fragkou Abstract Global North countries have focused on restricting the entry of migrants… Giulia Raimondo’s book entitled The European Integrated Border Management: Frontex, Human Rights, and International Responsibility offers a thorough analysis of the current… Over the last two decades or so, Frontex has been facing increasing accusations of breaching EU law, notably EU fundamental… This blogpost explores the tensions resulting from colonial legacies produced by the Ugandan legal framework in relation to the LGBTQIA+… To mark the “16 days of activism against Gender-Based Violence” (GBV) campaign , led by civil society organisations and endorsed by…Temporary Protection under EU Law: Some Reflections on Its Application to Non-Ukrainians fleeing the Russo-Ukrainian War
Internal Borders under the Revised Schengen Borders Code
Barriers to Abortion Care for Migrant Women and Girls
Hamoudi v. Frontex case: Can EU Migration law truly hold Frontex accountable for fundamental rights violations?
Climate Migration: A Proposal for a Multitrack Approach in International Law
The Impacts of Border Externalization on Asylum Seekers and Migrants: the Unsettling Precedent of the UK-Rwanda Asylum Scheme
Book Review: Giulia Raimondo, The European Integrated Border Management: Frontex, Human Rights, and International Responsibility, Hart Publishing (2024)
Fundamental Rights Challenges and the Role of Frontex in Joint Operations: Insights Based on the WS v Frontex Case
Intersectional Impact of Tensions Affecting LGBTQIA+ persons’ mobility in Uganda
United against GBV during the 16 days of activism – Advocating for refugee women’s rights.