Addressing the Continuum of Violence with a Continuum of Resilience. Book Review ‘Difficult Life in a Refugee Camp: Gender, Violence, and Coping in Uganda’. By Ulrike Krause.

In “Journal of Refugee Studies”

Author: Tatiana Morais
Year: 2023
Available: Oxford

Cost-benefit Assessment of Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Women Reporting Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Uganda: Assessing Women’s Resilience as a Means to Protect their Ethno-religious Group.

In “Southern African Public Law”

Authors: Jeremy Sarkin and Tatiana Morais
Year: 2023
Available: UNISA

Europe’s Refugee “Crises” and the Biopolitics of Risk.

In “European Journal of Risk Regulation”

Authors: Veronica Corcodel and Dimitra Fragkou
Year: 2023
Available: Cambridge


Legal Framings in Networked Public Spheres: The Case of Search and Rescue in the Mediterranean

In “Constitutionalising Social Media”

Author: Veronica Corcodel
Year: 2022
Available: Bloomsbury Store

Rethinking Dealing With Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Countries of Asylum: Intersectional Impact of Vulnerability to the State in Greece, Uganda and Israel from a Matrix of Domination Standpoint

Doctoral Thesis

Author: Tatiana Morais
Year: 2022
Available: UNL Repository

Why States Need To View Their Responsibility to Protect Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Women Through the Lens of Intersectionality, Vulnerability, and the Matrix of Domination to Address Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

InEuropean Human Rights Law Review”

Authors: Jeremy Sarkin, Tatiana Morais
Year: 2022
Available: ResearchGate

The importance of adopting an intersectionality approach to refugee status determination procedures: lessons from Greece, Israel and Uganda

In “International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care”

Authors: Jeremy Sarkin, Tatiana Morais
Year: 2022
Available: Emerald Insight


In “Immigrazione e lavoro. Quali regole? Modelli, problemi e tendenze

Author: Emellin de Oliveira
Year: 2022
Available: Editoriale Scientifica

The Portuguese Response to the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM): A pioneer plan, but a challenging execution.

In “Refugee Law Initiative Blog

Author: Ana Rita Gil, Maria Mariana Moura
Year: 2021
Available: Refugee Law Initiative Blog

The Impact of Political Discourse on The Securitisation of Migration (in Hungary)

In “CEDIS Working Paper VARIA n.º2”

Author: Rita Pereira
Year: 2021
Available: CEDIS

A Pena de Expulsão à Luz da Lei de Imigração

In “CEDIS Working Paper VARIA n.º1”

Author: João Varela
Year: 2021
Available: CEDIS

Violência Sexual e de Género nos Campos de População Refugiada: Enquadramento e Análise Legal

In “Teses 52: Janeiro 2020”

Author: Tatiana Morais
Year: 2020
Available: Ebook

Moritz Baumgärtel, Demanding Rights: Europe’s Supranational Courts and the Dilemma of Migrant Vulnerability 

In “Human Rights Law Review”

Author: Dimitra Fragkou
Year: 2020
Available: ResearchGate

Olhares sobre as Migrações, a Cidadania e os Direitos Humanos na História e no Século XXI


Authors: Teresa Pizarro Beleza, Cristina Nogueira da Silva, Ana Rita Gil e Emillin de Oliveira
Year: 2020
Available: Petrony Editores

Atas da Conferência “Igualdade de Género e Mobilidade: Desafios e Oportunidades para o Desenvolvimento na Lusofonia”


Authors: Francisco Pereira Coutinho, Emellin de Oliveira, Maria João Carapêto
Year: 2020
Available: CEDIS

Modern Law and Otherness – The Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Comparative Legal Thought


Author: Veronica Corcodel 
Year: 2019
Available: British Association of Comparative Law

O Papel do Advogado na Defesa dos Direitos das Pessoas Carecidas de Proteção Internacional

In “Themis”

Author: Ana Rita Gil
Year: 2019

Envelhecer Enquanto Refugiada/o

In “Envelhecimento”

Author: Tatiana Morais
Year: 2018
Available: ResearchGate

Respecting and Protecting the lives of Migrants and Refugees: the need for a Human Rights approach to save lives and find Missing Persons.

In “The International Journal of Human Rights 22”

Author: Jeremy Sarkin
Year: 2017
Available: ResearchGate

Violência Sexual e de Género nos Campos de população Refugiada: Estudo Comparado da legislação relevante na Etiópia e no Quénia.

In “Revista Scientia Ivridica Revista de Direito Comparado Português e Brasileiro, Tomo LXV – n.º 340”

Author: Tatiana Morais
Year: 2016
Available: ResarchGate

Violência Sexual e de Género nos Campos de população Refugiada: o contributo dos Sistemas de Justiça tradicionais na solução dos casos concretos.

In “Anatomia do Crime n.º 4”

Author: Tatiana Morais
Year: 2016
Available: ResearchGate