Addressing the Continuum of Violence with a Continuum of Resilience. Book Review ‘Difficult Life in a Refugee Camp: Gender, Violence, and Coping in Uganda’. By Ulrike Krause.
Cost-benefit Assessment of Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Women Reporting Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Uganda: Assessing Women’s Resilience as a Means to Protect their Ethno-religious Group.
In “Southern African Public Law”
Authors: Jeremy Sarkin and Tatiana Morais Year: 2023 Available: UNISA
Europe’s Refugee “Crises” and the Biopolitics of Risk.
In “European Journal of Risk Regulation”
Authors: Veronica Corcodel and Dimitra Fragkou Year: 2023 Available: Cambridge
Legal Framings in Networked Public Spheres: The Case of Search and Rescue in the Mediterranean
Rethinking Dealing With Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Countries of Asylum: Intersectional Impact of Vulnerability to the State in Greece, Uganda and Israel from a Matrix of Domination Standpoint
Why States Need To View Their Responsibility to Protect Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Women Through the Lens of Intersectionality, Vulnerability, and the Matrix of Domination to Address Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
In “European Human Rights Law Review”
Authors: Jeremy Sarkin, Tatiana Morais Year: 2022 Available:ResearchGate
The importance of adopting an intersectionality approach to refugee status determination procedures: lessons from Greece, Israel and Uganda
In “International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care”
Authors: Jeremy Sarkin, Tatiana Morais Year: 2022 Available:Emerald Insight
In “Immigrazione e lavoro. Quali regole? Modelli, problemi e tendenze“