Fundamental Rights Challenges and the Role of Frontex in Joint Operations: Insights Based on the WS v Frontex Case

Fundamental Rights Challenges and the Role of Frontex in Joint Operations: Insights Based on the WS v Frontex Case

Over the last two decades or so, Frontex has been facing increasing accusations of breaching EU law, notably EU fundamental rights. While holding the Agency accountable for such violations is crucial, this blogpost shows that existing mechanisms prove ineffective. It examines in particular the WS v Frontex case decided by the General Court in 2023 and provides some reflections on the role of Frontex in joint operations and the main fundamental rights challenges therein.  

Intersectional Impact of Tensions Affecting LGBTQIA+ persons’ mobility in Uganda

Intersectional Impact of Tensions Affecting LGBTQIA+ persons’ mobility in Uganda

This blogpost explores the tensions resulting from colonial legacies produced by the Ugandan legal framework in relation to the LGBTQIA+ community. It argues that the criminalization of LGBTQIA+ persons in Uganda has been facilitated by the intersectional impact of homophobia, colonialism, capitalism, and religion.

EU Migration and Asylum Law: Challenging or Reinforcing the Traditional Conception of Sovereignty? 

EU Migration and Asylum Law: Challenging or Reinforcing the Traditional Conception of Sovereignty? 

Paula Muñoz Cano Abstract This blogpost provides some reflections on the relationship between EU and the traditional understanding of sovereignty, exploring whether the latter is reproduced or challenged in EU migration and asylum law. It is argued that EU law often (though not always) reproduces the traditional conception of sovereignty when it comes to ‘third-country nationals’, and often (though not

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Too Queer or Not Queer Enough? LGBTIQ+ Asylum Seekers in the European Context

Too Queer or Not Queer Enough? LGBTIQ+ Asylum Seekers in the European Context

By Cinzia Dimonte ABSTRACT This blogpost examines the main challenges faced by LGBTIQ+ asylum seekers and calls for a fair asylum process in Europe, emphasizing the need to respect human rights, recognize persisting biases, and address intersectionality. Keywords SOGIESC, LGBTIQ+, asylum law, intersectionality Introduction  Asylum seekers with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) face unique experiences, such

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Instrumentalisation of International Migration to the EU: A Critique of Securitised Approaches

Instrumentalisation of International Migration to the EU: A Critique of Securitised Approaches

Mariana Cavalheiro Galvão Abstract  The use of migration for political purposes has raised concerns within the European Union. This blog post critically analyses the main EU policy and legal responses and proposals on the instrumentalisation of migration, emphasising the need for an approach centred more on individuals and less on the security of the EU. For these purposes, it examines

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The Temporary Protection Directive in the Context of the 2015/2016 and the 2022/2023 ‘Crises’: Geopolitics, Race or Both?

The Temporary Protection Directive in the Context of the 2015/2016 and the 2022/2023 ‘Crises’: Geopolitics, Race or Both?

Luana Cardoso and Matilde Felgueiras Abstract The Temporary Protection Directive was activated only once, in 2022, due to the Russo-Ukrainian War and has raised concerns of racialized discrepancies in the treatment of different refugee ‘crises’. This blogpost explores the reasons put forward for not activating the TPD in relation to the 2015/2016 ‘crisis’ and for activating it in 2022, and

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Climate-Induced Displacement: Some Reflections on Contemporary Debates

Climate-Induced Displacement: Some Reflections on Contemporary Debates

Maria Marques, Susana Brazão and Vittoria Moccia Abstract This blogpost explores the issue of climate-induced displacement and the limits of legal protection, critically examining the main international and EU legal frameworks and policies. It advocates for recognising the protection needs arising from climate-induced displacement, as opposed to security-based approaches. Current international refugee and human rights regimes fall short of a satisfactory solution. Regionally, the EU leans more towards security than protection,

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Vulnerability: An Emerging Norm in Migration and Asylum Law?

Vulnerability: An Emerging Norm in Migration and Asylum Law?

Carolina Moniz Pinto and Fernanda Leal [1] Abstract The term “vulnerability” has become increasingly important in academic literature, law and policy, and international debates on migration and asylum. This blogpost explores the different understandings of vulnerability and argues for the need to follow a holistic and structural approach.  Keywords: vulnerability, refugees, asylum, migration, CEAS The term “vulnerability” has become increasingly important

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Proibição da Tortura e Tratamentos Degradantes e os Centros de Instalação Temporária em Portugal

Proibição da Tortura e Tratamentos Degradantes e os Centros de Instalação Temporária em Portugal

Otávio de Figueiredo Raupp[1] Resumo O presente artigo pretende proceder a uma breve análise crítica das condições gerais dos centros de instalação temporária (CIT) e espaços equiparados (EECIT) em Portugal, à luz do artigo 3.º da Convenção Europeia dos Direitos Humanos (CEDH). Tratando-se de uma perspectiva abrangente, não nos debruçaremos sobre casos individuais. Assim, procurar-se-á, num primeiro momento, delinear o

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