Victims or perpetrators? Claiming Protection and Refugee Status for Child Soldiers

Victims or perpetrators? Claiming Protection and Refugee Status for Child Soldiers

Madalena Dória[1] Introduction Every year, thousands of children serve as child soldiers across the world. In 2019, some 7.747 children were verified as recruited and used as young as six years old. Among them, 90 per cent were used by non-State actors.[2] Even though there is no agreed definition in international law, the term usually refers to any person below

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The interpretation of article 9 of Directive 2011/95/EU: Evasion of Military Service in Case C-238/19 [EZ v. Germany]

The interpretation of article 9 of Directive 2011/95/EU: Evasion of Military Service in Case C-238/19 [EZ v. Germany]

Abstract: The present post attempts to discuss Case C-238/19, relating to the interpretation and application of Articles 9 and 10 of Directive 2011/95/EU. Beginning with a brief analysis of the relevant facts and the findings of the Court, it aims to clarify the extension of the connection between Article 9(2)(e) and Article 12(2), concerning the refusal to perform military service due to potential breaches of International Humanitarian Law.