Zoomcasts – Migration & Law of the Sea
Ep. 2, Part I – “The interrelation between Human Smuggling/Trafficking and Irregular Migration” with Professor Bahija Jamal
[EN] This interview focuses on “The interrelation between Human Smuggling/Trafficking and Irregular Migration”. Our guest for this two part episode is professor Bahija Jamal, an International Law Professor from Hassan II University in Casablanca, Morocco, and experienced practitioner in the fields of Human Trafficking, Human RIghts, Asylum and Migration Law. The professor is also the president of the NGO “Ofoq/Horizon on the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking” and a consultant on Combating Human Trafficking at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Council of Europe.
Ep. 1 – Illegal Migration Route with Valentina Marcelino
[PT] Este Zoomcast surge no âmbito da linha de investigação de Migração e Direito do Mar da NOVA Refugee Clinic e incide sobre a rota marítima ilegal entre El Jadida, em Marrocos e a costa algarvia, em Portugal. Neste primeiro episódio, falámos com a jornalista Valentina Marcelino, autora de vários artigos sobre este tema no Diário da Notícias.
[EN] This Zoomcast is brought to you by the Migration and Law of the Sea research line of the NOVA Refugee Clinic. This episode will touch on the illegal migration route between El Jadida in Morocco and the Algarve Coast in Portugal. In this first episode, we talked with Valentina Marcelino, a journalist from the newspaper “Diário de Notícias”, who wrote and published many articles regarding this route.